Thursday, February 11, 2010

Summer body needed. K Stew. I love you.

Thanks to Ang and Jessica I have been MOTIVATED to get to the gym! I think about it all the time and having that killer body! However... I have yet to make it to the gym... or outside to run... or to my floor for crunches. Last summer, I was in pretty killer shape! But this summer... it looks like my shape might be round HAHA! I always loved that joke and have always wanted to use it :) Moving on!

I don't care what PEOPLE say! I think Kristen Stewart is GORGEOUS! And I wouldn't mind having her BODY! I absolutely adore her awkwardness, her shy little antics. I am happily taken by a man mind you, but I have a serious lady crush on her. She is, by no means, classy in any way like some other actresses out there, but I can't help but just LOVE her to pieces.

 I know I'll never have those long legs but I'm hoping to join a gym in Norwich near work to get my ass in gear! I love when the said girls above mention the gym and how great they feel about making it there. I'm going to start putting in a mini-effort. Baby steps... baby steps.

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